My First Ever Salary



Yayayy ! Hari ni aku telah pun mendapatkan gaji aku yang pertama. Seronok gila dohh bagai monyet mendapat pisang tanduk walaupun ciputt saja. Nevermindlah sikit ke banyak, the most important thing is rezeki tu halal. Alhamdulillah. Pehh tadi, time dapat gaji memacam aku fikir. Nak beli itu, nak beli ini HAHA berangan je lebih. Almaklumlah, orang baru dapat first salary. Mestilah excited.


Slip gaji aku ;



Anyway, there is one vital thing that I must do. That is to belanja my family especially my parents makan. They have given their support to me, always be on my side, encourage me on this job and also prepare me meal before going to work. They want me to obtain experiences in working. My parents are very understanding and know me very well than others. So this is the time for me to pay their good deeds with my litte salary. I'm sorry. When I get more money, I will treat you in a five stars restaurant HEHE. Asyik makan je kau ni Firdaus :)   


By the way, aku kena kerja sungguh-sungguh, kena buat Overtime selalu HEHE nak mendapatkan benda alah dekat bawah ni. Kenelah berkorban sikit cewahh. Boss, lu bagilah gua banyak sikit gaji. Baru best HAHAHA


  Stanby kau HTC Wildfire S, I'll get you someday



 Terima kasih Ya Allah
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin