Moments of Lameness XD


     Hai. Haha. Dah lama tak post dekat blog ni. Sorrylah I'm a bit busy studying. Now I'm free because it is semester holidays bebehh. Haha. Cuti sebulan lebih je. Tapi I am going to fill my holidays with good things such as main game 24-hours, tak tidur malam then bangun pukul 2 petang, kacau adik and banyak lagi. Haha. First of all, I feel very heaven gila dah habis first semester ni. It felt like one month only. Sumpah sekejap. Lagi lagi time bulan puasa. Selalunya time Form 5 time puasa, pehh nak tunggu iftar, lama gila. But when I lived in university, rasa macam sekejap. Pejam celik pejam celik dah final exam. Haha. Time nak final lagilah kelam kabut. Lagi lagi Physics dengan Chemistry. Dah la buku dia tebal macam buku SPM. Bayangkan tebal macam tu belajar dalam masa 5 bulan je. Naik tepu kepala. Tambah pulak dengan study bersama roommate. Haha. Heaven habis. Belajar sekejap 15 minit, main game 30 jam. Macam tu aku buat sepanjang final. Haha. Tension dohh revise. Luckily, final exam only took 2 weeks. But time last subject esok, malam sebelum tu, kita orang orang plan nak studylah. Kebetulan malam tu hujan, plan to study just disappeared because one of my friend came out with one other idea that was taking picture of lightning. Haha. So aku keluarkan lah DSLR aku, then we started to set up. Bajet pro la konon. After 3 shots, we gave up. Haha. Asyik tak dapat je gambar kilat so kita surrender. Tak dapat gamba kilat, kita orang buat our own lightning project. Haha. Nahh ni gambar nya :

     Haa tu lah gambarnya. And we managed to revise the last subject. Hihi. Luckily. After final je and after Jummat prayer, kita orang keluar tengok wayang. Haha. Sebab semua balik Sabtu so kita keluarlah Jumaat petang tu. Memang best ahh jadi roommate diorang. By the way, roommate aku pakai baju putih tu. Yang baju merah tu bilik sebelah. Lastly, I hope I managed to continue on Semester 2 :)

Chemistry seriously susah
Tawakal jelah



This time, I want to share my photos of 2012 Eid. Enjoy :)

Kalau nak tengok lagi yang lain, datanglah rumah HAHA

Duit raya wokk
Dah tua bangka pun dapat

Bunga Api dan Mercun Sebagai Simbol


     Haa cer teka benda alah dekat atas ni ? Haha jawapan dia ialah lolipop. Takdelah gurau je. Nampak sangat bohongnya kalau tak tahu ni apa. Ni ketupat yang belum diisi dengan nasi lagi. Orang Malaysia tahulah ni benda apa. Cer tanya orang Siberia ke orang Ethiopia, diorang mesti tak tahu punya. Kalau dah aku post gambar ketupat maknanya apa ? Haa maknanya dah Raya la. Tu pun tak boleh nak jawab haha esok Hari Raya Aidilfitri ! Rasa macam sekejap je. Puasa tahun sumpah rasa macam sekejap. Yelah tahun ni aku puasa dekat tempat lain. Tak sabar sabar nak solat Raya esok nihh hihi. Okelah aku nak bersiap siap nak raya esok XD See you next time.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Mohon Ampun Zahir dan Batin :)
Enjoy this video

 Raya ni assignment banyak
Aku suka.

The Whole New Life



     Hai ! haha dah lama tak jumpa hikhok and dah lama tak merepek kerepek. For this time, I want to write about my new life in Universiti Teknologi MARA Puncak Alam Campus. I have been here for one week and more. Baca nama universiti dah tahu how it geography condition looks like, right ? Hahah duduk sini memang seronok. Sangat sangat sangat. It is a huge place to explore and I'm not exploring the campus yet. Some of the part mungkin dahlah. Dengar cerita, ni baru phase 1. I think this place is going to be HQ of UiTM kot nanti. Kita tunggu jelah. But, tolonglah tarah bukit bukit yang ada and jangan buat building atas bukit kihkih

     First 5 day ada orentation named Minggu Destini Siswa or its short name is MDS. These day we enjoyed la with the activity organized by akak akak abang abang PM haha diorang ada yang cool, sporting and garang pun ada. During the program, we did a lot of things especially clapping haha banyak gila jenis tepukan yang diajar. The activity I like the most was main tepuk tepuk Break, seronok gila main benda alah tu. On the last day, diorang adakan macam mini konsert. Siap ada anugerah lagi hahah. MDS ni boleh tahanlah. Btw, ada sorang kakak PM ni cute gila haha dia AJK SDK. I admire you akak :D

     On the next day after MDS abis, hari khamis tu petang aku terus balik haha ala class start hari Isnin. Lagipun banyak budak balik. Semua homesick la tu. Keluar kolej pukul 3. Waited for Rapid KL bus for about 2 and half hours with my 3 others friends. Most of the buses full with student yang nak balik. Last last, bas yang keempat baru boleh naik. Tu pun dah macam tin tuna and I was heading to Seksyen 2 Shah Alam. For the first 10 kilometres, aku berdiri. Bayangkan lenguh tak lenguh kaki. At last dapat jugak duduk dekat Klang Sentral. Heaven gila dapat duduk. Then sampai je Seksyen 2, I took bus T529 to go to Seksyen 17. Dekat situ baru ada bas pergi JB. Then naiklah dengan muka full of confidence. Aku tunggu jelah. After tunggu for about 50 minutes, then I wondered where is the fish Seksyen 17. Then I was like betul ke bas ni haha Last last nasib baik ada blockmate aku tanya driver bas. Rupanya Seksyen 17 dekat je dengan Seksyen 2 tak sampai pun 50 minit. Then turunlah aku dan orang orang yang senasib dengan aku. Kita orang walked to Seksyen 17 by foot. Luckily tak jauh sangat. Akhirnya sampai. Tiket pukul 8.30 gerak pukul 9. Baguslah tu. Sampai JB pukul 2 haha

      Hari Isnin dah start kuliah. Pehh all my classes start at 8.30 a.m everyday. How lame is it. Tapi takpe, rileks suda. First day, yes kene turun tangga yang lagi tinggi dari Batu Caves. Seronok. Then I dropped by at cafe to take my breakfast. Lapar dohh. After that, rushed cari lecture hall. Dahlah tak tahu dekat mana. Main tambedal je cari. Nasib baik jumpa. After all classes finished, the new challenge arise. THE STAIRS. Sounds horrifying right ? Haha but nevermind aku paksa untuk naik tangga tu jugak. Haha sumpah penat. Standby, abis je asasi korang tengoklah budak budak asasi Puncak Alam badan semua 6 packs plus peha Malik Noor haha including the girls. Alah itu semua part of success. Insya-Allah success will be on  our side one day. Okelah penatlah menaip banyak banyak. Lepas ni ada kelas lagi.Btw kolej dia selasa banget. See you next time :)

Pictures :



 Akak dalam bas haritu.
Lawa. Baik pulak tu
Thanks bagi Choki Choki

Al - Fatihah



     Last Monday on May 14 2012, my father's family lost a very special person which was my late grandfather where we all used to call him Abah. Abah menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada jam 6 petang hari Isnin 14 May 2012 di Hospital Sultanah Aminah. He has been hospitalized since last Friday due to shortness of breath. Then, Abah was transferred to ICU because his condition was getting worse. At that moment, Abah bernafas dengan bantuan oksigen. Last time I met him when I visited him at hospital on Saturday evening. Tu pun dapat jumpa sekejap. Day by day, Abah's condition getting worse. I didn't managed to meet Abah on his last day. Jenazah Abah dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kebun Teh pada hari Selasa jam 10 pagi. Lot of people came to pay their last respect. All my family members were touched. Abah pergi meninggalkan seorang isteri iaitu Mak, 7 anak, 7 menantu, 18 cucu dan 2 cicit. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Abah dan semoga Abah ditempatkan dalam golongan orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh. Amin :)


    Abah sentiasa dalam ingatan

Al - Fatihah

No more jokes from Abah

Ayah Punya Birthday



I as the representative of the rest family members just want to wish Happy 49th Birthday Ayah even though we know it kinda late. We didn't bought you presents because we didn't have time but Ibu belanja makan. That is the present hehe so we are thanked very much to have a father like you. No one can ever be like you. Thank you for all your sacrifices. Kami harap Ayah sihat selalu and panjang umur and dimurahkan rezeki and dinaikkan pangkat kihkih. Lastly, we love you Ayah :) 

You see my father there standing with the left foot put on the front. That is Murad Bin Mahbob

Ayah nak battery grip.


  Timeline. I really hate you from the deep of my heart !


 Yayy UTP tak dapat.
Aku suka.

First Interview



      Ehemm ehemm. Hari ni aku nak cerita sikit fasal Educamp 2012 yang baru aku pergi semalam. Firstly, gerak dari Johor hari Selasa dalam 11.30 a.m. Pehh dia punya jauh nun di Tronoh, Perak sana. Nasib baik lesen tak dapat lagi, kalau tak memang silaplah aku drive. During the journey, family aku banyak kali berhenti dekat R&R tu. Dekat Machap berhenti, dekat Simpang Renggam Berhenti, dekat Dengkil berhenti HAHA Kalau dah berhenti tu, mesti beli something. Paling kurang pun air. Masa berhenti tu jugak, aku dengan family solatlah sekali. Then, we continued our journey. 

     Bila dah sampai Tronoh tu, kitaorang carilah UTP tu. Punyalah gila susah. Setiap simpang masuk. Anyway dekat sana memang banyak simpang. Rupanya UTP tu sebelah highway je. Puiihhh. Then after dah tahu UTP location, family aku pergi homestay pulak. Okelah homesetei tu. Tak besar mana pun. Cukuplah untuk semalam. Pehh malam tu gua dah seram dah. Walaubagaimanapun, aku tetap tidur dengan nyenyak HAHA

     The next day or the interview day, aku semangat bangun awal pukul 6. Dah siap mandi dengan solat, aku pakailah baju. Dah macam orang kerja office. Dengan necktie bagai. Tapi nak buat macam mana, dah dia yang suruh. Then after pecahlaju semua, I headed to UTP at about 6.45 a.m. Sengamat gila. After passed the post guard, aku tengok dia punya environment nyaman je. Best tuhh kalau duduk sini. Dah la besar. Banyak tasik pulak tu. Boleh mancing.

    Lepas dah park kereta, me and father pergilah dia punya dewan. Pehh dewan dia  dah macam UFO capsule. Cantik gila plus besar besar besar. Ni gambarnya :

Then after daftar, bebudak ni semua kene pergi hall dia known as Chancellor Hall. Besar dan berair-cond. Sejuk je. Aku ingat sikit je orang yang dapat offer, rupanya ramai campur dengan postgraduate and undergraduate. Patutlah ramai. Hall dia memang sophisticated and interior design is magnificent. 

     After diorang bagi speech semua, startlah untuk interviews sessions. Luckily aku group A. Interview tu buat dekat block lain so kene naik bas. Best sebab UTP yang provide bus tu semua. Lepas je sampai, me and my group headed to a large room. Then we were divide into several group again. Each group ada 5 persons. Group aku yang nombor 9. Lepas dah settle group tu semua, kitaorang pergi another room. Dekat situlah kita tunggu turn untuk diinterview. Mula mula individual. After that, group discussion. Aku punya group dapat tajuk pasal how to solve traffic jam problems. Each participant has to find their own method or suggestions to deal with this matter. 

     Time interview yang individu tu, seram gila gua. Nervous yang amat. Dah la kene cakap omputih. Nasib baik interviewer tu baik and dia adalah perempuan. Then aku cakaplah apa suggestion aku. Pastu dia suruh elaborate point tu. Aku pun tambedal je HEHE lepas je individual, group pulak. Interviewer pun orang yang sama. Dia suruh group aku discuss pasal tajuk tu. Along the discussion, dia akan tengoklah every member in the group. Everyone in the group kene cakap walaupun sikit. Aku pun kene cakap HAHA Tambedal. The discussion took about half an hour I think.

     Lepas je abis interview dalam pukul 1, aku pergi makanlah apa lagi tunggu. Perut dah lapar. Makan nasi dengan ayam masak apa entah. Tapi sedap. Ramai gila orang. Parents la yang paling ramai. Ada yang bawak satu family. Next, aku pergi solat Zohor dekat masjid UTP tu. Besar masjid dia. Canggih dan berair-cond. Selesai solat Zohor ada ucapan about careers dekat Chancellor Hall. Aku pergilah sana. Best jugak, dia cerita pasal civil engineering and electronics and electrics engineering. Tapi sayangnya mechancial engineering takde sobsob. 

      Tamat je session tu, kitaorang boleh balik HEHE the most interesting place dekat UTP tu ialah library dia. Futuristik habis. Dekat sana tak panggil library, dia panggil Information Resources Center HAHA Then, family and I baliklah JB dalam pukul 4 petang gitu. Sampai rumah dalam pukul 12 lebih. Seronoklah kalau dapat belajar dekat situ and I really hope I can be one of the student of Universiti Teknologi Petronas. Insya-Allah :)



  Lawa ann rainbow ni.
Ciptaan Allah.

Their Birthday :)


     Yeah, last Saturday aku dengan family belah ayah had a great night. We had a birthday party bebehh. They organize this event to celebrate the birthday of Mak Long, Syahirah and si Pamie. Their bithday fall on this month, April. All of family members were here but somehow Kak Nurul, Abang Hasno, Cik Kim and Pak Tam's family did not able to attend because they have some glitches. Wish they were here. But nevermind we still enjoyed the events. And lastly, please enjoy this pictures below because I have no more ideas to write HEHE

The pictures :

Sekian, terima kasih (:


Dapat kasut Puma

It is Raining


     Hari ni aku nak share some pictures yang aku snap time hujan petang tadi. Memang takde kerja lain dah tu. Oke lihatlah hasil kerja budak baru belajar HUAHAHA

Here the pictures

Sekian :)


  Terima kasih 
Pegawai JPJ
sebab menggagalkan saya
Awesome !

I Got It !

        First of all, aku nak ucapkan syukur pada Maha Esa atas nikmat yang telah diberikan. Secondly, to my beloved parents. Thanks a bunch Ayah and Ibu for the present. I really love it <3 



  Battlefield 3 was 
totally unbearable
and freaking awesome.
Booyahh !

The Result



    First of all, Alhamdulillah. Bersyukur kepada Allah S.W.T kerana mengizinkan aku dan juga kawan kawan yang lain pergi mengambil result SPM dengan selamat. Bersyukur juga kerana aku berjaya mendapat keputusan yang agak baik. Congratulations to all my friends who get straight A's especially to Afiq. He deserved the excellence result. Bolehlah jadi pensyarah macam ayah kau. 


    Other than that, I want to say thanks very very much to Allah S.W.T because He gave me and my other friends  good results. Alhamdulillah :) Next I want to thank my parents for their support and encouragement. They are my life. Yes, to all my teachers who taught me and my friends tirelessly. We owe you, teachers ! Then, to my grandparents, aunts and uncles. Thank you very much for the advice, support and the prayers. Lastly, for my friends, Afiq, Kama, Ah Seng, Mad, Shafiq, Nabilah, Puteri, Sibol, Azim, Irfan, Ikhwan, Acap Aiman, Naim and semualah including friends in Facebook :D Thanks for teaching me even tough aku banyak reject korang. You guys are totally freaking awesome !


   Now, I am heading to a higher level of study. Of course, this will cost me more effort and study in order to achieve success in the future. Somehow, I will do my best and put a lot of efforts to make my dream comes true. And also we must not forget our responsibilities to Allah S.W.T and our religion Islam. 

These are some pictures I really want to share. Have fun :)

We are having a blast !


  Yes !
Esok last kerja