The Result



    First of all, Alhamdulillah. Bersyukur kepada Allah S.W.T kerana mengizinkan aku dan juga kawan kawan yang lain pergi mengambil result SPM dengan selamat. Bersyukur juga kerana aku berjaya mendapat keputusan yang agak baik. Congratulations to all my friends who get straight A's especially to Afiq. He deserved the excellence result. Bolehlah jadi pensyarah macam ayah kau. 


    Other than that, I want to say thanks very very much to Allah S.W.T because He gave me and my other friends  good results. Alhamdulillah :) Next I want to thank my parents for their support and encouragement. They are my life. Yes, to all my teachers who taught me and my friends tirelessly. We owe you, teachers ! Then, to my grandparents, aunts and uncles. Thank you very much for the advice, support and the prayers. Lastly, for my friends, Afiq, Kama, Ah Seng, Mad, Shafiq, Nabilah, Puteri, Sibol, Azim, Irfan, Ikhwan, Acap Aiman, Naim and semualah including friends in Facebook :D Thanks for teaching me even tough aku banyak reject korang. You guys are totally freaking awesome !


   Now, I am heading to a higher level of study. Of course, this will cost me more effort and study in order to achieve success in the future. Somehow, I will do my best and put a lot of efforts to make my dream comes true. And also we must not forget our responsibilities to Allah S.W.T and our religion Islam. 

These are some pictures I really want to share. Have fun :)

We are having a blast !


  Yes !
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