Ular Daun



        Today, aku nak post pasal gambar. My masterpiece. Actually, picture biasa-biasa je. As you may able to see at the post title, mesti kau orang dah tahu gambar apakan. Gambar ular colour hijau. Sebenarnya ular tu tak besar mana pun. Besar macam chocolate Choki-Choki. Pergghh, time nak tangkap siap guna fishing rod lepas tu ikat dengan tali. Mula-mula ular dekat atas pokok. Tak tahu siapa nampak dulu. Then, bila ular tu dah kene tangkap mulalah nak dengki budak-budak kecik. Semua lari lintang-pukang. Tapi ada one of my cousin nama dia Aqif, umur baru 4 tahun berani gila nak pegang ular tu. Cehh, mula-mula dia jauh. Lepas tu, makin dekat dan dekat. Berani betul budak kecik tu. Aku pun sendiri takut pegang ular :)


   Inilah gambarnya :-



Tu haa Aqif



Get well soon
Tok Mat and Abah

Priscilla Ahn

In A Tree 

Living in a tree
Yeah that's where i'd like to be
When the world falls down.

No one can say nothing
Which i guess means they'll say something
But i won't be around.

I'll be in my tree
Living free
As any child would wanna be.

Chaos in the streets
Only hearts bear lonely beats
In a world carved with steel and stone.

Miscommunication leads to fear and hesitation
And it won't leave me alone.

But now in my tree
I'm living free
As any child would wanna be.

Maybe you and me can make a home for us 
and someday three from the strongest wood of the tallest tree and we'll be

Living in a tree
Living free
As any child would wanna be.

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

 Very nice song.
Adore her so much :)

Happy Birthday Ibu :)



    Today is January 4 2012 and today is very special to me and my other family members. Tahu sebabnya ? Tak tahukan. Hari ni ialah Birthday Ibu aku yang bernama Rosnani Bte Mohammed. Birthday ibu ini merupakan yang ke-49. Pehh ibu lagi tua daripada ayah HAHA ayah baru umur 48 tahun 4 bulan. Bersempena hari jadi ibu, ayah aku belanja makan tadi dekat restoran dekat Setia Indah sebelah balai polis. Enak jugak tapi banyak tak habis sebab kekenyangan, membazir betul. Order punya yeye. Sekali tak habis.


    Sorrylah Ibu sebab tak dapat bagi hadiah. Sebabnya takde duitlah HEHE nanti Aus dah kerja, Aus belanja makan lagi. Terima kasih Ibu sebab :

          1.   Ironkan baju sekolah, baju melayu dan berbagai jenis baju yang lain.

          2.   Masak untuk kita satu family setiap hari.

          3.   Belikan PSP masa dapat result PMR.

          4.   Ambil Aus masa kelas tambahan petang walaupun lambat :) 

          5.   Bagi duit untuk melunaskan hutang duit kelas HEHE

          6.   Bagi duit untuk beli buku.

          7.   Basuhkan baju Aus dan yang lain-lain.

          8.   Kejut Aus bangun pagi.

          9.   Jahitkan seluar kalau koyak HEHE

          10. Jaga Aus daripada kecik sampai besar :)  

          p/s : sebenarnya banyak lagi, tapi takut tak muat HEHE


Lastly, Happy Birthday Ibu :)

This is my mom :- 

Towel tu spoil betul



 Semoga Ibu panjang umur
 dan dimurahkan rezeki
May Allah blesses you

Idris Tawfiq



    Today I am going to write about a man who once was a priest and now becomes a Muslim. His name is Idris Tawfiq. Perhaps some of you do not know this person and perhaps some of you have known this person. Saya kenal Idris Tawfiq via YouTube. First time I watched the video of Idris Tawfiq, I was extremely shocked. How come a priest converted into Islam. We all know this has been arranged by Allah The Almighty. We may not know what has been arranged by Him but most importanly kita mestilah ikhlas dalam mengerjakan sesuatu especially dalam ibadah. Anything may happens in a blink of eyes. 


    I don't have any idea to describe about him. So let's watch this video below and take the good examples from him :)



    Itulah yang dikatakan kuasa Allah SWT yang Maha Agung lagi Maha Mengasihi. I am very proud of Brother Idris Tawfiq and hopefully I'll meet him one day. Insya-Allah. Thank you for being my inspiration. May Allah blesses you, Idris Tawfiq. Assalamualaikum :)  



Thank you Ya Allah