End of Foundation Year


     Hai everibadi. Lama dah tak post. Hari ni post pun sebab ASASI DAH HABISSS. WOHOOOOO. Cuti 6 bulan kot. Lama tuhhh. Macam macam boleh buat. Nak kahwin pun boleh. Haha. Okay. Setelah setahun duduk di Puncak Alam sana, now it's time for me to go back where I belong. Maksudnya balik JB la. There are a lot of experiences I went through. Baik yang baik ataupun yang buruk. Haha. Seriously time ayah datang nak amik, gua rasa macam nak tinggal je dekat puncak tu. Best kottt. Tangga dia je yang tak best. Haha. At first, memang gua tak suka duduk dekat sana but when myself was starting to adapt the surrounding, it's kind of fun. Living with friends, hang out dekat SCM, skodeng akak degree. Lawa wooo akak akak degree. Hehe. Memang bestlah. And I also met a lot of people from different states and provinces. From there, I learned that there are many types of people and we should appreciate as what they were. Seriously, duduk dekat sana memang best. Lagi lagi bila main game. Boleh main ramai ramai. Haha. Kalau boleh gua nak je duduk sana tapi tu la pasal asasi ni setahun je. Terpaksa kena berambus. Haha. Throughout the year, I met 2 friends who are my best friends. They are my housemates. Nama dia Hazim and lagi sorang Faris. Semua otak happy go lucky. Memang kena ahh dengan gua. Mintak mintak la degree nanti satu U dengan diorang. Hehe. Okelah. Sampai sini jelah. Nanti gua post lagi kalau ada pape yang menarik. Lastly, I hope I can make it to further my study in degree level. Inshaa Allah :)

Hitam : Azim // Merah : Faris

Battlefield 3 Multiplayer