Al - Fatihah



     Last Monday on May 14 2012, my father's family lost a very special person which was my late grandfather where we all used to call him Abah. Abah menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada jam 6 petang hari Isnin 14 May 2012 di Hospital Sultanah Aminah. He has been hospitalized since last Friday due to shortness of breath. Then, Abah was transferred to ICU because his condition was getting worse. At that moment, Abah bernafas dengan bantuan oksigen. Last time I met him when I visited him at hospital on Saturday evening. Tu pun dapat jumpa sekejap. Day by day, Abah's condition getting worse. I didn't managed to meet Abah on his last day. Jenazah Abah dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kebun Teh pada hari Selasa jam 10 pagi. Lot of people came to pay their last respect. All my family members were touched. Abah pergi meninggalkan seorang isteri iaitu Mak, 7 anak, 7 menantu, 18 cucu dan 2 cicit. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Abah dan semoga Abah ditempatkan dalam golongan orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh. Amin :)


    Abah sentiasa dalam ingatan

Al - Fatihah

No more jokes from Abah

Ayah Punya Birthday



I as the representative of the rest family members just want to wish Happy 49th Birthday Ayah even though we know it kinda late. We didn't bought you presents because we didn't have time but Ibu belanja makan. That is the present hehe so we are thanked very much to have a father like you. No one can ever be like you. Thank you for all your sacrifices. Kami harap Ayah sihat selalu and panjang umur and dimurahkan rezeki and dinaikkan pangkat kihkih. Lastly, we love you Ayah :) 

You see my father there standing with the left foot put on the front. That is Murad Bin Mahbob

Ayah nak battery grip.


  Timeline. I really hate you from the deep of my heart !


 Yayy UTP tak dapat.
Aku suka.